Press Releases
03 Sep 2014
bioMérieux - First-Half 2014 Results
Solid growth in first-half sales Up 7.9%, including BioFire and at constant exchange rates Up 4.2% at constant exchange rates and scope of consolidation 2014 financial objectives maintained Contributi...
23 Jul 2014
bioMérieux VIRTUO™, the new generation of blood culture system, is CE-marked
VIRTUO™ is the next dimension of blood culture microbial detection...
17 Jul 2014
bioMérieux - Second-Quarter 2014 Business Review
Solid growth in first-half sales Up 7.9%, including BioFire and at constant exchange rates Up 4.2% like-for-like*, in line with the target for the year Up 3.5% on a reported basis Greater disparity be...
28 May 2014
The General Shareholders’ Meeting of bioMérieux approves the appointment of two new independent directors
Marcy l’Etoile, France, May 28, 2014 - The General Meeting of Shareholders of bioMérieux, a world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, today approved the appointment of two new independent dir...
05 May 2014
BioFire’s FilmArray® Gastrointestinal Panel Receives FDA Clearance
Marcy l’Etoile, France - May 5, 2014 – bioMérieux, a world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, today announced that BioFire, its new molecular biology affiliate, received U.S. Food and Drug A...
23 Apr 2014
First-Quarter 2014 Business Review
Sales: Up 7.9%, including BioFire and at constant exchange rates Up 4.1% like-for-like*, in line with the target for the year Continued stabilization in Western Europe, up 1.4%* Sustained solid growth...