Press Releases
26 Feb 2008
bioMérieux’s Food Safety Handbook is Now Available
Marcy l'Etoile, France - February 26, 2008. bioMérieux, a world leader in industrial microbiology control, announces that the first Food Safety Handbook: Microbiological Challenges is now available fo...
14 Feb 2008
bioMérieux and Wescor Bring a New Gram Staining Instrument for Enhanced Microbiology Laboratory Workflow
Marcy l’Etoile (France - February 14, 2008 . bioMérieux (Euronext: BIM) and Wescor, an ELITech Group Company have signed an agreement by which bioMérieux will become Wescor’s exclusive worldwide partn...
31 Jan 2008
bioMérieux and Shanghai Kehua Bio-engineering Build Joint Venture
January 31, 2008 . Shanghai Kehua Bio-engineering (Stock Code: 002022) and bioMérieux (Euronext: BIM) announce the creation of a Shanghai-based joint venture to which bioMérieux will transfer micropla...
22 Jan 2008
2007 Business Review - 2007: sales up 7.4% like-for-like
Marcy l'Etoile, France - January 22, 2008.
15 Jan 2008
Quidel and bioMérieux Announce a Global Strategic Alliance in Rapid Diagnostics
January 15, 2008. Quidel Corporation (NASDAQ: QDEL) and bioMérieux (Euronext: BIM) have agreed to form a long-term global alliance in the area of rapid clinical diagnostics for the point-of-care. bioM...
10 Jan 2008
Sysmex and bioMérieux Form a Commercial Joint Venture for the Japanese In Vitro Diagnostics Market
January 10, 2008 . Sysmex Corporation (HQ: Kobe, Japan; President: Hisashi Ietsugu) and bioMérieux (Euronext: BIM) announce they have signed an agreement by which Sysmex will take a 34% equity stake i...