- Strong sales dynamic, with sales up 10.4% over the first half at constant exchange rates and scope of consolidation:
- €1,169 million in sales
- Up 3.1% as reported
- Contributive operating income before non-recurring items up 7% to €185 million, or 15.8% of sales
- 2018 financial targets revised:
- Organic growth in sales of around 9.5%, at constant exchange rates and scope of consolidation
- Contributive operating income before non-recurring items of between €340 million and €350 million
- Alexandre Mérieux, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said: “bioMérieux performed well in the first half of the year, combining solid organic sales growth and a sharp increase in earnings. Given this momentum, we are now in a position to revise our full-year financial objectives upward while continuing our ambitious investments in innovation and in bioMérieux’s future development, to best serve our clients, patients and our public health mission.”