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1 Test. 6 Targets. ~50 Minutes.

The BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Tropical Fever (TF) Panel tests for a syndromic grouping of 6 bacteria, viruses and parasites most often associated with tropical fever infections. With just one test, results are available in ~50 minutes.


Disclaimer: Product availability varies by country. Please consult your local bioMérieux representative for product availability in your country. 



Syndromic Infectious Disease Testing for Tropical Fever Diseases

Defined as infections that are prevalent in or unique to tropical and subtropical regions, tropical fever infections often present with overlapping, non-specific signs and symptoms, making them challenging to diagnose. Their prevalence is expected to rise around the world as the impact of global climate change leads to conditions favorable to the spread of these diseases.1,2

The BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Tropical Fever (TF) Panel simultaneously tests for 6 target pathogens in about 50 minutes using a single test. It is designed for use on the BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® TORCH System, an FDA-cleared, CE-IVD, and TGA certified multiplex PCR system that integrates sample preparation, amplification, detection, and analysis.


Fast and Accurate

Current testing for tropical fever pathogens can take several days to diagnose, often requiring multiple samples and a variety of different methods. BIOFIRE FILMARRAY TF Panel makes all that a thing of the past! It’s:

  • Simple: ~ 2 minutes hands-on time with a single test
  • Fast: Detect 6 target viruses, bacteria and parasites that cause tropical fever diseases in about 50 minutes
  • Accurate: 95.1% Sensitivity and 99.8% Specificity 2


Challenges of tropical fever infections

Malaria, Chikungunya, Dengue and Leptospirosis affect 100+ countries and cause over 316 million infections per year resulting in more than 600,000 deaths.4

Symptoms of tropical fever infections are often non-specific and overlapping, making it difficult to differentiate them from each other, and to distinguish mild-self-limiting illness from more severe diseases needing prompt and targeted treatment.

The BIOFIRE FILMARRAY TF Panel is designed to address diagnostic challenges, including:

  • Lack of testing standardization for specimen type and preparation, test media, and methods.5
  • Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) can lack the sensitivity and specificity of a molecular test, leading to false negatives and negatively impacting patient outcomes.5
  • Blood cultures and microscopy are resource intensive with a turnaround time of over 48 hours.6
  • Leptospirosis cannot be easily cultured and might require early administration of an antimicrobial that is not part of the usual empirical treatment.6
  • In non-endemic areas, low familiarity with tropical fever infections can lead to slower diagnosis.6


The right test, the first time

It is important to quickly diagnose the causative agent behind tropical fever infections because these pathogens have different diagnostic pathways and treatment regimens.

Molecular syndromic testing with the BIOIFRE FILMARRAY TF Panel cuts through complexities by simultaneously testing 6 target pathogens to provide answers in a clinically actionable timeframe. This may enable faster time to effective therapy and reduction of unnecessary treatment.


Polymicrobial detection

When more than one pathogen is involved in a tropical fever infection, informed treatment decisions are particularly important. In clinical trial data, the BIOFIRE FILMARRAY TF Panel demonstrated improved polymicrobial detections over traditional methods. Overall, 28 (4.3%) of 657 positive specimens had multiple analytes detected.7


1.     El-Sayed A, Kamel M. (2020). Climatic changes and their role in emergence and re-emergence of diseases. Environmental science and pollution research international, 27(18), 22336–22352.

2.     Performance claims are based on DEN200043 (De Novo) Global Fever Panel Clinical Studies (on file at bioMérieux).

3.     World malaria report 2023. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2023. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

4.     World Health Organization (2023, December 4) Fact sheet about Malaria. World Health Organization.

5.     Singhi S, et al. (2014). Tropical fevers: Management guidelines. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 18(2), 62–69.

6.     Bottieau E, et al. (2006). Etiology and outcome of fever after a stay in the tropics. Archives of internal medicine, 166(15), 1642–1648.

7.     Manabe YC, et al. (2022). Clinical evaluation of the BioFire Global Fever Panel for the identification of malaria, leptospirosis, chikungunya, and dengue from whole blood: a prospective, multicentre, cross-sectional diagnostic accuracy study. The Lancet. Infectious diseases, 22(9), 1356–1364.

Panel Menu

The BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Tropical Fever Panel Menu


  • Leptospira spp.


  • Chikungunya
  • Dengue (serotypes 1,2,3 and 4)


  • Plasmodium spp.
  • Plasmodium falciparum
  • Plasmodium vivax/ovale

FDA cleared

Services & Support

Customer Support: bioMérieux offers the best available support with dedicated BIOFIRE® technical experts.

Application Specialists: bioMérieux offers dedicated support teams who are available to help set up equipment and troubleshoot any issues.

For assistance: please contact our customer technical support team at

Specs & Resources

Technical Specifications

Sample HandlingPerformance Parameters

Sample Type: whole blood collected in EDTA tubes

Hands-on Time: Approx. 2 minutes

Sample Volume: 0.2 mL

Run Time: ~ 50 min


Product NamePart NumberQuantity
BIOFIRE FILMARRAY TF Panel4248036 pouch Kit





Clinical Impact of the BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Tropical Fever (TF) Panel

BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Tropical Fever (TF) Panel Information Sheet