For Clinical Pathogen Outbreak Monitoring
Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) are common and pose a serious threat to patient safety*.The investigation of possible HAI outbreaks can help track the source of bacterial infections and be used to assist in developing strategies to prevent further spread in the healthcare environment.
BIOMÉRIEUX EPISEQ CS is a new software as a service application that can help in the management of HAIs in your institution by enabling reliable outbreak investigation decisions. The software tool imports and processes bacterial whole genome sequence data (WGS) for detailed genetic characterization. Accurate determination of bacterial strain relatedness is based on whole genome multi locus sequence typing (wgMLST), providing the highest level of typing resolution. In addition, the presence of resistance and virulence markers are reported, further characterizing the pathogens under investigation. EPISEQ CS for bacterial typing and epidemiology is available for 13 pathogens commonly involved in HAIs.
Disclaimer: Product availability varies by country. Please consult your local bioMérieux representative for product availability in your country.
Not for diagnostic use.
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For Infection Prevention Control
Manage HAI Outbreaks
BIOMÉRIEUX EPISEQ CS puts the power of Next Generation Sequencing into your hands. This software tool automatically imports and processes sequence data for the most common HAI-related organisms, providing accurate determinations of bacterial strain relatedness. In addition, EPISEQ CS reports the presence of resistance and virulence markers.
When Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) recognizes a possible HAI outbreak, EPISEQ CS enables them to partner with the lab to provide actionable answers fast, which helps to confirm the outbreak, track its source, contain the spread, and prevent further infection.
Using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), data from EPISEQ CS can help inform epidemiological decisions by:
- rapidly and reliably determining genetic relatedness among bacterial strains1
- enabling accurate and effective molecular pathogen surveillance1
- automatically identifying potential antibiotic resistance markers in genomes of interest1
- strengthening antimicrobial stewardship and infection control practices1
In order to protect patients and healthcare workers and to ease the economic burden for hospitals, it’s crucial to quickly recognize HAI outbreaks and pinpoint their source.
For Laboratory
Bacterial Strain Typing for HAI Outbreak Investigation
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) are the latest molecular technologies with a promising application in high resolution bacterial strain typing. However, routine use of NGS/WGS in clinical microbiology laboratories is hampered by the complexity of bioinformatics tools for the analysis of large amounts of sequence data. EPISEQ CS, a new software as a service application, overcomes these limitations. With one click, EPISEQ CS automatically imports and processes sequence data files and visualizes the relatedness of selected bacterial strains in phylogenetic trees. The cloud-based application puts NGS/WGS-based bacterial typing, along with an extensive knowledge base of more than 50,000 reference strains, at your fingertips. Critical genomic information including resistome and virulome markers are reported to help track, contain, and ultimately stop the spread of infection and prevent HAI.
Easy-to-interpret comprehensive reports in pdf format are automatically created, providing the most precise information at both the individual sample or panel level. These reports document possible strain relatedness and important genetic information of the organisms under investigation.
PRN 056752 Rev02.A
1. Spinler JK, Raza S, Thapa S, Venkatachalam A, Scott T, Runge JK, Dunn J, Versalovic J, Luna RA, Comparison of Whole Genome Sequencing and Repetitive Element PCR for Multidrug- Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strain Typing. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics (2021), doi: