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Pharma Quality Control White Papers  

Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media


Automated nucleic acid amplification assay for mycoplasma detection in cell and gene therapy products

Cell & Gene therapies (CGT) or advanced therapeutic medicinal products (ATMPs) are innovative medicines developed to treat cancers, rare diseases, autoimmune disorders and injuries. As these therapies utilise living cells, they produce a product with a short shelf life. While microbiological examination of cell-based products is critical to ensure patient safety, challenges exist to enable testing and obtaining rapid results prior to patient infusion.   

Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media


Single Temperature Analysis for Environmental Monitoring Samples

ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING (EM) is one of the main microbiological controls that pharmaceutical industries perform to ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. To efficiently control the quality of these products, the presence of potential microbial contaminants must be monitored.

Although the traditional method is extremely manual, variable and error-prone, it remains the standard procedure used in industry for hundreds of millions of samples per year.

Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media


Overcoming Mycoplasma Testing Challenges in Cell and gene Therapy Manufacturing with BIOFIRE®

The BIOFIRE® Mycoplasma test is a closed-system sample-to-answer nucleic acid test that is designed to report the presence/absence of over 130 mycoplasma species in less than an hour. It requires minimal hands-on time and contains everything needed to run a molecular test in a sealed pouch.

Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media


Suitability of a Single Incubation Temperature for Environmental Monitoring Programs

This white paper discusses the challenges of one media/one temperature incubation, with a real case study and evaluates the sustainability of a single incubation temperature strategy for Environmental Monitoring.
Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media


Accurate Identification of Pharmaceutical Environmental Microorganisms Using VITEK® MS 

Microbial contamination of pharmaceuticals poses a great problem to the pharmaceutical manufacturing process from both a safety as well as an economic point of view. Rapid and accurate identification of microorganisms can contribute to reduce cost and time linked to investigations and corrective actions. 

Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media


New Standardized Methodology to Evaluate Environmental Monitoring Plates Inspection Using an Automated System

Cell & Gene Therapies (C&GT) or Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products (ATMP) are innovative medicine developed to treat diseases such as cancer, rare diseases, and autoimmune disorders.

Those therapies, based on living cells, have short shelf lives, are available in low volumes and cannot be sterilized by filtration or irradiation. Microbiological examination of cell-based products is critical to ensure safety prior to patient infusion.

Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media


Automated Methods for Environmental Control (EM) - Application of Automated Microbiology for Environmental Monitoring of Clean Rooms 

Optimizing the control of bioproduction processes and the environmental monitoring of the biopharmaceutical industry is key to supporting the competitiveness of companies and no longer making quality control a bottleneck in the value chain of bioproduction but rather a real added value.

Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media


Role of in-house isolates in pharmaceutical quality control

Download this application note by Dr Megha Bajaj, Global Solution Manager at bioMerieux, to discover more about:

• The relevancy of in-house isolates in microbiological QC testing

• The selection and implementation of in-house isolates

• Common microorganisms isolated in pharma labs.

Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media


Detection of Small Events in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media

Automated Incubation and Reading versus Visual Inspection

USP chapter <1116>1 describes Environmental Monitoring (EM) as a key element to ensure  control of aseptic processing areas. The quality of the drugs manufactured is directly linked to the capacity to minimize microbial contamination. 

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ENDOZYME® II GO automation solution for endotoxin testing

The Tecan Fluent® workstation has been paired with the bioMérieux ENDOZYME® II GO pre-coated plates to create a seamless automation solution for endotoxin testing.

BIOFIRE Mycoplasma


Easy 1 Hour Mycoplasma Detection in Cell Therapy Samples

Various pharmacopoeias, including the USP, specify a test for mycoplasma contamination must be performed as part of the release testing of a product manufactured in the presence of eukaryotic cells (1).
Mycosplasma white paper


Automated 1 Hour Mycoplasma Detection in Bioproduction 

Various pharmacopoeias, including the USP, specify a test for mycoplasma contamination must be performed as part of the release testing of a product manufactured in the presence of eukaryotic cells (1).
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Non-Growth-Based Alternative Sterility Testing

The SCANRDI® is a non-growth-based rapid microbial method (RMM) that detects not only viable microbial cells that can be isolated using a broth or agar plate but also viable but non-culturable (VBNC) microorganisms, including stressed and fastidious microorganisms that may not be recovered by standard culture methods, making SCANRDI® more sensitive than growth-based methods.
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Adoption of rFC for bacterial endotoxin testing

With industry’s push to build a more diverse global supply chain, we find ourselves at a tipping point for the widespread adoption of alternative solutions like rFC — driven as much by industry, if not more, than regulators.
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Bacterial Endotoxin Testing: 10 Reasons to Choose Recombinant Factor C                

Recombinant horseshoe crab Factor C (rFC) methods are the latest state-of-the-art solution for effective bacterial endotoxin testing (BET). This whitepaper reviews the advantages of Recombinant horseshoe crab Factor C (rFC) over the BET methods currently in widespread use. We compare the performance of LAL reagents with rFC, and summarize the evidence supporting our 10 reasons to choose rFC.
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Waste in Endotoxin Detection Assays LAL vs rFC

From traditional to alternate endotoxin testing methods used for product release testing, there is an opportunity to waste less reagent and generate cost savings.


Environmental Monitoring for Pharmaceuticals

In microbiology and pharmaceutical development, environmental monitoring (EM) is a process that determines the quality of a controlled environment via microbial data collection.


EM Data Quality Management

Drug developers rely on data quality management (DQM) during development and manufacturing for a number of reasons and, therefore, must start with a clear data management strategy in order to organize and protect the integrity of the products, along with the safety and well-being of patients.


The Hunt for the Missing Endotoxin

This white paper reviews the causes contributing to low endotoxin recovery (LER), the impact it creates, as well as solutions which can rectify the issues it results in. We also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of developing your de-masking protocols in-house, and how you can use the ENDO-RS® de-masking tool kit to make the process easier from beginning to end. Following this, we outline the pros and cons of outsourcing your de-masking project, what you should look for in a third-party company, and why you can and should trust bioMérieux with your de-masking protocol development.


Qualification and Method Validation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated in a number of ways. One of them is Qualification and Validation. But what are we talking about? Why do we talk about Qualification AND Validation? What does this apply to? What tools accompany these approaches? How are they deployed?


How Drug Developers Use a Feasibility Study to Protect Their Investment

Pharmaceutical manufacturers use feasibility studies to ensure the solution they would implement (equipment, system, process…) meet their expectations in compliance with highest standards.